Chhoy Ly Chhoy Ly

Cataracts Explained

Aging isn’t always a pleasant experience for your loved one as health issues seem to crop up faster than a storm on a hot summer day. Cataracts are part of the aging process for the elderly. Although they tend to be common, understanding the symptoms can make cataracts a bit less intimidating.

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Chhoy Ly Chhoy Ly

How to Treat Your Winter Eye Allergy Symptoms

Whether you are out in the cold winter air or cleaning your home, allergens spring up throughout the year. They trigger allergy symptoms like sneezing, coughing and swollen eyes. Allergies could cause the eyes to swell and become watery, itchy, red, itchy and extremely uncomfortable.

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Chhoy Ly Chhoy Ly

Development of Vision in Infants

One of the best moments when having a child is the first time your newborn daughter or son opens their eyes and makes eye contact with you. But don’t be concerned if that does not happen right away.

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Chhoy Ly Chhoy Ly

Double Vision Due to Nerve Palsies in Diabetics

Double vision is when an individual sees two images of one object. Double vision might occur when only one eye is open (also called monocular diplopia) or when both eyes are open (also called binocular diplopia).

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